Once upon a time in sunny Los Angeles, there lived a quirky UCLA film student named Frenk Degods. Frenk had one wild dream: to get recognition from Frank Degods, the mastermind behind the hottest NFT projects on Solana, Degods and y00ts. Confusing, right? Well, Frenk's journey was even more bizarre.
We haven't decided on a date yet but sometimes in Q3 2024.
All holders who hold at least 1m $degods token will get an AvoGods NFT airdrop when we launch. (before the presale)
We're currently 5 people. Three lads and two ladies.
Easiest way currently is swapping some sol for $degods at www.jup.ag
Write us on X or in Telegram. X: https://x.com/FrenkDeGod - TG: https://t.me/frenkdegods_sol